Rustically-designed furniture & accessories


Lee started Rustically Unique with 40+ years experience, and after becoming semi-retired, wanted to pursue this love of woodworking. He can look at an old stump that to everyone else, well, looks like a stump… but to him it is a beautiful piece of furniture, a table, a chair, a knick knack. He’s always enjoyed upcycling old things. 30 years ago, he owned a classic car restoration shop, and now entering a new phase of his life and being a woodworker is part of that. Are you ready to have Lee create something beautifully rustic for your space?

A few examples of what we can make for you...

See examples of what can be made...

Looking for a rustic custom piece?

Fill out the quick form below to let me know what you are in search of. 

We can start designing your perfect rustically unique piece of furniture today!


A little about Lee...

Lee has always been a big idea guy, running circles around everyone else with his "out-of-the-box" thinking. He has found the perfect place to release all these great ideas. Combining his love for art, upcycling, and woodworking into this new adventure of creating rustic furniture and accessories. Are you ready to have something completely unique that will complement your decor?

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